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Laura Sanchez ’07: Creating Impact Through Research

Laura Sanchez ’07

 Laura Sanchez ’07 came to Whitman with a passion for the sciences that only grew during her time here. She gained valuable hands-on experience working with faculty, which fueled her interest in chemistry research as a career—and led her to continue her education at the University of California (UC) Santa Cruz, where she earned a doctorate in Chemistry and Biochemistry. Now, as an Associate Professor at UC Santa Cruz, she leads the Sanchez Lab, where her team is dedicated to researching the chemistry by which cells and microbes communicate with one another and with their surroundings to coordinate biological functions in complex environments.

Whitman provided space to explore new areas of science while also directly facilitating numerous interactions with faculty and balance in being able to pursue a number of things on campus outside of academics.

Laura’s Pathway

2003 | Admitted to Whitman
2003–2007 | Played intramural sports

(dodgeball, flag football, basketball, ultimate Frisbee) and club softball

2005–2007 | Worked as a Chemistry Tutor and a Chemistry Teaching Assistant

 in the Organic Chemistry and Advanced Organic Chemistry labs

2006 | Completed a National Science Foundation (NSF) Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship

at UC Santa Cruz

2007 | Graduated from Whitman

with a Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry

2009–2012 | Completed an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
2012 | Graduated from UC Santa Cruz

with a doctorate in Chemistry and Biochemistry

2015–2020 | Worked as an Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences

at the University of Illinois Chicago

2021 | Became an Associate Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry

at UC Santa Cruz

I did not even realize a career in research was a viable option, and I don't think I would have been in this same career without having the ability to communicate frequently with faculty at the one-on-one level.

Upward Pathways. Our alumni’s diverse student experiences and career paths showcase the transformative power of a Whitman education. Find other Upward Pathways.

Published on Dec 5, 2024
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