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Alums Charlie & Patti Nelson Honor Whitman Icons With Outdoor Program Gift

By Debbie Ritenour

Bob Carson with a group of Whitman College students.

A passionate professor. Professor Emeritus of Geology and Environmental Studies Bob Carson (second from the right) enthusiastically led many Outdoor Program trips during his 40-year career at Whitman.

Patti Hankel Nelson ’85 vividly remembers her first rafting experience. It was Family Weekend at Whitman College, and she had signed up for a white water rafting trip on the Salmon River through the Outdoor Program (OP).

“The river was pretty high,” says Patti, who is married to Whitman Trustee Charlie Nelson ’83. “I was definitely white-knuckling it at a few points, but we all stayed on board. It was a blast.”

Established in 1975, the Outdoor Program offers trips and recreational opportunities that allow Whitman students to get outside and explore the natural beauty surrounding Walla Walla and other wilderness areas. Activities range from kayaking, hiking and mountain biking to skiing, snowshoeing and ice climbing.

Thanks to the OP, I was able to go out to Joshua Tree with the Single Pitch Instructor class, and it was an amazing experience. I was able to learn an immense amount about outdoor climbing safety and climb outdoors for the first time.

Oliver Baltzer ’25

For decades, many of the trips were led by Professor Emeritus of Geology and Environmental Studies Bob Carson, often accompanied by his wife (and Patti’s sister), retired Associate Dean of Students Clare Carson. Bob was a member of the faculty for 40 years, while Clare was on staff for 38.

To honor the Carsons, the Nelsons recently established the Bob Carson Outdoor Program Endowment. It provides permanent support for the Bob Carson Outdoor Fund (BCOF), which helps eliminate financial barriers so that all students can participate in the Outdoor Program. 

“Our goal is to fund at least one Outdoor Program adventure [per year] for every student during their time at Whitman,” Charlie says. “We want to support the Outdoor Program while also recognizing Bob and Clare for the great things they did in their careers at Whitman.”

Bob and Clare Carson posing with Mt. Rainer behind them.

Going strong. Bob and Clare Carson visited Mt. Rainier National Park in October 2024.

The Impact of the Outdoors

Whitman is ideally situated for outdoor adventures. It sits in the foothills of the Blue Mountains, with the Wallowas, Palouse Hills, Columbia River and other outdoor recreation spots within easy driving distance.

Spending time in the outdoors can be life-changing, but it’s sometimes financially out of reach for college students. The BCOF encourages students who couldn’t otherwise afford OP trips to get outside, Bob says.

As someone who grew up in San Diego, I didn’t even know ice climbing was an activity until I saw a trip posted on the Whitman schedule. I’m so glad that the BCOF gave me the opportunity to go on this trip and have such a new, amazing experience.

Sonia Burns ’25

“Some, perhaps raised in cities, have never experienced a wilderness, climbed a mountain or paddled a river,” he adds. “Many go on to lead trips themselves after learning about first aid, navigation, knots, leadership, etc. Directly or indirectly, the students learn not only outdoor skills but also natural history, and they gain a deeper appreciation for Earth.”

Brien Sheedy, Director of Outdoor Programs says, “The Bob Carson Outdoor Program Fund has been a game changer for the OP ever since it was created … OP trips enable students to get away from screens and have meaningful interactions with other students in nature as they work together on a trip.”

Giving Back to Whitman

The Nelsons met when Patti was a first-year student living in Anderson Hall and Charlie, a junior, was a Senior Resident. They both participated in Outdoor Program trips and have fond memories of Bob’s enthusiasm.

“Bob would tie in geology in a really fun way,” Patti says. “He would get so excited to show us a rock formation or tell us something about a glacier.”

Clare, who helped create Whitman’s Student Engagement Center—now the Career and Community Engagement Center—loved to help lead Outdoor Program trips. 

“They were a team,” says Charlie, who notes that the Carsons still climb mountains and go rafting to this day. “So many people have benefited from their passion for the outdoors. Some students have never had the opportunity to do anything like this before. It adds a unique dimension to the educational experience you can get at Whitman.”

Now that the cost barrier has been removed thanks to the BCOF, I’ve had the chance to go on adventures I’d never have dreamed of before, from rafting the Deschutes River to snowshoeing under the light of the full moon.

Zoe Perkins ’25

The Outdoor Program is just one of many reasons Whitman is such a special place to live and learn, Charlie notes.

“The low student-faculty ratio and close mentoring take learning to the next level,” he says. “Some of the professors invite you to their home for dinner and in many ways become your friends. The focus is on learning and growing both inside and outside the classroom.”

Married for 40 years, Charlie and Patti have three sons: Nathan, Brendan and Jordan Nelson ’08. The couple currently resides in Anacortes, where Charlie serves as a consultant to the financial services industry. He worked in the industry for more than 40 years, serving most recently as Vice Chairman of Voya Financial.

Charlie Nelson ’83 and Patti Hankel Nelson ’85

Opening the outdoors. Charlie Nelson ’83 and Patti Hankel Nelson ’85 hope to help every Whitman student participate in at least one Outdoor Program activity each year.

A Chemistry and Economics double major, Charlie notes that his Whitman education prepared him for a long and successful career.

“I think a liberal arts education is one of the most important educational experiences one can obtain,” he says. “You develop really valuable critical and analytical thinking skills that prepare you for success in whatever endeavor you choose. I didn’t break any beakers post-Whitman, but my chemistry coursework taught me how to think through and address problems.”

Patti, who majored in Sociology, says her Whitman education helped her develop important personal and interpersonal skills.

“Whitman gave me confidence,” she says. “I wasn’t intimidated to take on tasks and responsibilities, whether I was working, volunteering or raising my family.”

We wanted to support the Outdoor Program while also recognizing Bob and Clare for the great things they did in their careers at Whitman.

Charlie Nelson ’83

Charlie joined the Whitman Board of Trustees in 2021. He previously served on the Alumni Board and the Board of Overseers (now the President’s Advisory Board). He and Patti are grateful to be able to give back to the college that has given them so much.

“I was raised with the mentality that you give back more than you got, whether through your time, talent or treasure,” Charlie says. “We hope that other alumni will join us and donate to the fund, especially if they had a great experience with the Outdoor Program and can appreciate how important it is to provide that same great experience to the next person in line.”

To support more outdoor adventures for Whitman students, make a donation to the Bob Carson Outdoor Program Endowment.

Published on Nov 6, 2024
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