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Green Theme

Whitman College’s 2021-2022 academic theme will explore climate justice.

Graphic of Whitman's Academic ThemeLast fall, Whitman College introduced its first-ever academic theme, Race, Violence and Health. For 2021-2022, the college will again have a unifying theme for speaker events, panel discussions and academic programming. The new topic, “Climate Reckonings, Climate Justice,” is intended to generate a broad, campus-wide discussion that explores how different intellectual traditions engage with and respond to the global climate and the uneven impacts of its threats across populations and places. Professor of Physics Kurt Hoffman, chair of the academic theme committee, hopes the benefits of that discussion will reach beyond campus. “We have a second objective of engaging with our region through local partnerships and by seeking productive actions that will improve communications and understandings between different groups that have common goals.”

Published on Sep 19, 2021
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