Whitman Receives $10 Million in Gifts Toward Harvey Hall and Student Village
Creating a Lasting Legacy
The Whitman College Board of Trustees, alumni and friends of the college made gifts of $10 million toward the first building of a student residential village—Harvey Hall—which will be named in honor of the college’s longest-serving Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Peter Harvey, who will retire later this month.
Harvey Hall, along with two additional new buildings, will provide apartment-style residences in the envisioned Junior-Senior Village, which will be situated along Boyer Avenue and Marcus Street on the west edge of campus near downtown Walla Walla.
Board of Trustees Chair Joe Davis ’80 announced the gifts for Harvey Hall at an April 27, 2023, dinner hosted by the board in celebration of Harvey’s career.
“Peter Harvey’s commitment to this college and to its people over 25 years as CFO is simply amazing,” said Davis. “We can never thank him enough. But through the generosity of the board and many alumni, we are proud to name Harvey Hall as a representation of his deep and lasting impact on Whitman.”
Joining Davis in making the announcement at the dinner was President Sarah Bolton; Trustees Nancy Serrurier and Aaron Perrine ’99; Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations Steve Setchell, and Emeritus Trustee and former CFO Janice Abraham, who hired Harvey as the college’s Director of Administrative Services in 1991.
“On behalf of the four presidents of the college with whom he closely served, I want to recognize Peter for his trusted partnership, wise counsel and unwavering dedication to the long-term strength of our community and our financial health in support of Whitman students,” said Bolton.
“I am deeply grateful for the generosity of alumni and friends in making possible Harvey Hall as a fitting tribute to Peter’s careful and collaborative planning for campus facilities, including his culminating work for the junior-senior village.”
During his time as CFO, Harvey planned more than $125 million in new construction and renovations of campus facilities. These projects include Hunter Conservatory, Penrose Library, Hall of Science, Welty Student Health Center, Reid Campus Center, Baker Ferguson Fitness Center, Harper Joy Theater, Fouts Center for Visual Arts, Sherwood Athletic Center, Baker Alumni Center, Cleveland Commons and Stanton Hall.
It Takes a Village
Harvey Hall and the larger Junior-Senior Village will strengthen community and student connection in support of the academic and co-curricular experience at Whitman. This new addition to the campus community will also remove barriers for juniors and seniors who have difficulty finding affordable quality housing in Walla Walla.
Building the village will require a total of $30 million in gifts and bring a community-focused design and park-like outdoor spaces along a restored section of College Creek.
Nancy and Greg Serrurier made a $5 million gift, along with more than 50 donors, in beginning to realize the village and honor Harvey. The Serruriers are parents of 2011 Whitman graduate Ben Serrurier, and Nancy has served on the Board of Trustees for 15 years, including three as the Chair.
The pandemic showed us that students living and supporting one another in community is more important than ever at Whitman. We were delighted to invest in this vision and to help honor a dear friend and true pillar of the college, Peter Harvey.—Whitman College Trustee Nancy Serrurier
Celebrating a Whitman Legacy
Three former presidents of the college—in Walla Walla for Sarah Bolton’s Presidential Installation as Whitman’s 15th president—were also on hand to honor Harvey during his retirement dinner: Kathleen Murray (14th, 2015–2022), George Bridges, (13th, 2005–2015) and Robert Skotheim (10th, 1975–1988). Former President Tom Cronin (12th, 1993–2005) appeared as part of a tribute video played during the celebration.
“Peter was a Lifter,” said Cronin. “Tom Edwards, the great historian for Whitman College, referred to (presidents) Penrose, Maxey and Skotheim as ‘Lifters’ with a capital ‘L.’ By that he meant people who infused and enriched energy and vision into the college. Peter, I think everyone would agree, could be added to the hall of Whitman College Lifters. For that, we are very grateful.”
Community members and friends of Harvey are invited to share their reflections and best wishes here. The campus community will celebrate Harvey’s career on May 11, 2023, from 2:30–4:30 p.m. in Reid Campus Center.