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Whitman Stories

November 11, 2021

President Murray Spells Out Advantages of Whitman's Early Financial Aid Guarantee

In an op-ed, President Kathleen Murray explains the benefits of Whitman's Early Financial Aid Guarantee and urges other colleges to adapt similar programs to provide prospective students and families a guaranteed preview of their financial aid package before they apply.
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November 9, 2021

President Murray Interviewed in The Business Journals

Whitman’s president Kathleen M. Murray discusses the college’s Early Financial Aid Guarantee and her upcoming retirement.
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November 8, 2021

Biology Professor Kate Jackson Mulls Evolution of Snake Fangs

The world hosts hundreds of wildly different venomous snake species, but somehow even distantly related species independently evolved specialized fangs with venom-carrying grooves—a longtime puzzle spurring new research. "I love seeing modern imaging technology and beautiful micro CT scans applied to a classic question," says Jackson, a trained herpetologist. She added that snakes may have developed venom-delivering teeth via other routes as well.
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November 1, 2021

Associate Professor of English Mary Raschko Directs Reimagined First Year Seminars

Mary Raschko, associate professor in the department of English, has been integral to the planning and development of the newly re-designed First Year Seminars (FYS) program on campus, in which she is serving as the first Director of the re-vamped curriculum.
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October 26, 2021

New Archives Classroom Honors Educators Thomas and Nannette Edwards

Penrose Library's new Edwards Classroom is a perfect tribute to the Whitman College history professor and his wife.
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October 22, 2021

Biologist Rachel Eguia '17 Digs into Endemic Future of COVID-19

Eguia, a biochemistry, biophysics, and molecular biology (BBMB) major at Whitman and biologist at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, spoke with Steve Inskeep and Michaeleen Doucleff of NPR's Morning Edition about the likely end game for COVID-19.
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October 22, 2021

In Celebration: Walla Walla Foundry and Owner Mark Anderson '78

Art created at the Walla Walla Foundry, one of the largest contemporary fine-art foundries in the world, has been exhibited, collected, and installed around the globe, from MoMA and Central Park to the Palace of Versailles. The next exhibition, opening Nov. 4, is dedicated to late founder Mark Anderson '78 and “his relationships with many of the artists he served at the Walla Walla Foundry" and will feature work by Jim Dine, Deborah Butterfield, Nancy Graves, Keiko Hara, Manuel Neri, Lynda Benglis and more drawn from Mark and Patty Anderson’s permanent collection.
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October 22, 2021

Whitman Alumni Mentoring Program Equips Students for Career Success

The program, run out of the Career and Community Engagement Center, has had three cohorts, running as pilot projects. That work has to date involved 34 mentors and 45 mentees, all of whom are provided a handbook with resources, activity suggestions, a calendar of professional development events and expectations of the roles of participants.
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Photo of Reid Campus Center with bright blue sky in the background
October 21, 2021

Introducing the Career and Community Engagement Center

The Student Engagement Center’s New Name Reflects an Ongoing Mission.
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Nancy and Greg Serrurier, parents to Ben Serrurier ’11, have established the Serrurier Life After Whitman Endowment to transform the way Whitman students prepare for callings and careers, beginning with the Class of 2025 pilot program.
October 21, 2021

$5 Million Gift Reshapes Student Career Preparation

Nancy and Greg Serrurier, parents to Ben Serrurier ’11, have established the Serrurier Life After Whitman Endowment to transform the way Whitman students prepare for callings and careers, beginning with the Class of 2025 pilot program.
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October 21, 2021

Pottery Teacher Genie Huntemann '97 Shares Joy of Art with Students

After more than two decades of teaching other subjects, Walla Walla High School pottery teacher Genie Huntemann has found her dream job.
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October 18, 2021

History Professor John Cotts Offers Context for 900-Year-Old Sword Recovered at Sea

The rare discovery of a sword dating to the Middle Ages in the Mediterranean Sea has experts from around the world weighing in on its provenance. Cotts shed light on the time period during which the weapon was lost: the Third Crusade, when Philip II of France, Richard I of England and Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I tried and failed to retake Jerusalem from Saladin, who had conquered the city in 1187.
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