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Assistant Professor Tenure-Track Position in Indigenous Histories of the North American West

The Long Tent on Ankeny field at dawn.

The History Department at Whitman College is excited to announce a new faculty position in the department to begin in Fall 2024. 

This new position will link well with the Virgil Robert and Mary L. Bierman Endowment for the Study of the History of the American West.  This generous gift allows the department to fund student summer internships and other projects related to the history of the North American West.  In addition, this gift also funds the Bierman Lecture Series on the History of the American West.  Overall, this endowment has expanded the college’s attention to issues of indigeneity more broadly.

Whitman College has a layered and painful past on the homelands of the Cayuse, Umatilla, and Walla Walla peoples. There remains much work to do in bridging the present and past to a reparative future. However, the creation of this new faculty position comes at a time when the college has increased its connections with the Cayuse, Umatilla, and Walla Walla peoples, especially through the auspices of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Confederation (CTUIR).

 Unmaking Whitman poster

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