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Two Truths and a Lie: Dance Show

Yes is a very long time. 

Direction and Staging: Alexandra Beller 

Choreography: The performers with contributions by Deliliah Hartwell  

Music: “Rebel Girls” by Bikini Kill 

Sound Design: Alexandra Beller with source material from Meredith Monk, Iris Noelle, Melodica Brothers, and Sting 

Text: The Performers, Alexandra Beller, and The Patriarchy

Performers: Sophia Bianco, Brooklyn Butler, Helena Salathé, Olivia Wood 

The Floor is a Gut 

Choreography: Alexandra Beller and Mallory Rubin 

Text: Emily Skillings, Mark Strand 

Music: “Milonga” by Joao De Souza Carvalho performed by Göran Söllscher

Performers: Mallory Rubin and Paige Yanny 

The Neighbor of Nothing 

Direction and Staging: Alexandra Beller 

Choreography: The Performers 

Music: “Violin Concerto II” (Phillip Glass) performed by Ulster Orchestra 

Film: Koyaanisqatsi by Godfrey Reggio 

Text: Mark Strand 

Performers: Sarah Adams, Linh Che, Stella Coomes, Andrea Diaz-Garcia, Clare Duan, Lucia Hanscom, Clare Hermanson, Alejandro Mata, Madeline Sramek, Shantényka Thompson, Irma Widyawati, Sonya Kozlitina 

Fight the Up (give not will we) 

Direction and Staging: Alexandra Beller 

Choreography: The Performers 

Music: “Political F**k” and “Enemy on Economy” by Balkan Beat Box, "Liquid Air” by Meredith Monk 

Film: Koyaanisqatsi by Godfrey Reggio 

Performers: Deniz Bean, Julia Freudenberger, Natalie Price, Mallory Rubin, Nissa Schlossberg, Siena Stiles, Maeve Weeder, Paige Yanny

Artistic Team 

Concert Director - Alexandra Beller 

Scenic Designer/Props Supervisor - Nathan Tomsheck 

Lighting Designer - LD DeArmon 

Associate Lighting Designer - Rachel Kennedy 

Projections Designer - Alexandra Beller 

Costume Designer - Aaron Chvatal

Sound Designers  - Alexandra Beller & Avery Ehlers 

Production Team 

Technical Director - Nathan Tomsheck 

Associate Technical Director - LD DeArmon 

Production Manager  - Ian Smith 

Stage Manager - Avery Ehlers 

Assistant Stage Manager - Jay Liao-Troth

Scenic Painter - Chloe Jackson 

Costume Director - Aaron Chvatal 

Costume Studio Assistants - Ana Dillard, Nikita Scott, Siena Stiles, Calliope cribari, Natalie Comerford, Brooklyn Butler, Ella shrophire, Angela Froming, Lukas Horvat, Amelia Schafer, Catherine Gallo & Elsa Hattendorf

Production Shop Staff - Eleanor D'Ambrosia, Oliver Baltzer, Avery Ehlers, Alistair Gannholm, Joao Garcia, Evan Ge, Cade Gordon, Kiara Jenkins, Rachel Kennedy, McKenna McShane, Axel Roberts, Calen Romig, Emmanuel Sakala, Willie Schack, Amelia Scharin, Ian Smith, Aiden Tribolet & Olivia Wing

Graphic Designer - Lola Bloom '22


Sound Board Operator - Ayano Yoshikawa 

Light Board Operator - Evan Ge 

Projections Operator - Juno Bellantoni 

Run crew - Brownwen Pritchard 

Dresser - Jenny Contreras

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