International & DACA Students
International Students
Need-Based Scholarships: Whitman College meets 100% of demonstrated need for international students from outside the U.S. and Canada. Whitman does not include a loan expectation for international students. There is a student work expectation for international students once they arrive on campus of $750 for first year students and $2,000 for each subsequent year.
Whitman uses the Whitman International Student Financial Aid Application (WISFAA), which asks international students to indicate the amount in U.S. Dollars they are able to contribute toward the cost of attending Whitman. That amount will be subtracted from the total cost of attendance at Whitman to determine demonstrated need. Because the total cost of attendance includes tuition, room and board, books, incidentals, and health insurance, international students will have the funding they need to cover those costs. For incoming students with demonstrated financial need, Whitman also covers the cost of a one-way flight to Whitman, and for students with a contribution of $1,000 or less Whitman will cover the cost of SEVIS fees.
Whitman is highly need-aware for international students. Fewer than 5% of international students who will require full financial support to attend Whitman and who do not have an additional source of funding (such as the Davis United World College scholarship) are offered admission.
Merit-Based Scholarships: International students who do not wish to apply for need-based scholarships are still eligible for merit scholarships. There is no separate application for these scholarships; all applicants are automatically considered for these scholarships.
Talent Scholarships: International applicants are eligible to apply for talent scholarships in music, art, debate or theater. Separate applications for these scholarships are available through Whitman’s applicant portal after the Common App has been submitted to Whitman. Recipients are selected by Whitman faculty.
On-campus Work: International students, regardless of financial need, have the opportunity to work on campus up to 20 hours per week while classes are in session and up to 40 hours per week during holidays and breaks. Students with financial need are expected to earn $750 in their first year and $2,000 in subsequent years toward the cost of attendance. The Career and Community Engagement Center is an excellent resource in securing on-campus work opportunities.
Undocumented / DACA Students
Need-Based Scholarships: Whitman College meets 100% of demonstrated need, with no loan expectation, for students who have DACA status or are undocumented. Funding is available for at least two students each year. Students from Washington state may submit the WASFA; all other students submit the CSS Profile
Memorial Building, Room 123
345 Boyer Ave.
Walla Walla, WA 99362 -
509-527-5178 (phone) 509-524-2098 (fax)