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Garrett-Sherwood Scholars

Congratulations Garrett-Sherwood Scholars! 

Well, this is a big deal! This prestigious Whitman College scholarship is offered to only the top 1% of our applicants.

Just for You: An All-Expenses-Paid Trip to Walla Walla! 

We can’t wait to welcome you to Whitman and connect you with current and other incoming scholars in the spring!

The schedule will be the following:

Friday, April 4

  • Dinner: 5–6 p.m.
  • Student Social: 6–7 p.m.

Saturday, April 5

  • Spring Into Whitman Day Programming: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • Garrett Sherwood Dinner: 5–7 p.m.

About the Scholarship

Whitman College awards Garrett-Sherwood Scholarships to exceptional applicants who exhibit outstanding achievement in academics and leadership. 

Garrett-Sherwood Scholars have unique opportunities throughout their time at Whitman.

Get to know each other. Garrett-Sherwood Scholars meet regularly for social gatherings, networking, and unique growth opportunities.

Gain skills for an amazing future. Garrett-Sherwood Scholars further cultivate their leadership skills through career workshops, guest lectures, and opportunities to affect change in the greater Walla Walla community. Our expert staff also provides individualized career advising.

Travel together to New York City. During spring break of their junior or senior year, Garrett-Sherwood Scholars explore the city—and have the opportunity to network with alumni who are leaders in their fields.

Garrett-Sherwood Scholars are also invited to visit campus at Whitman’s expense.

Meet Garrett-Sherwood Scholars

Who’s Garrett? Who’s Sherwood?

Paul Garrett, Class of 1913
After graduating from Whitman College in 1913 and Columbia University in 1914, Paul Garrett’s career included working for the New York Evening Post, and he eventually became the director of public relations for General Motors.

Garrett established a trust for scholarships and fellowships, in his words, “… for the purpose of extending the preeminence of Whitman College in the development of future leaders of business and society.”

Claire Sherwood
(Daughter of Donald Sherwood, Class of 1922)

Claire Sherwood was the daughter of a renowned Whitman alumni—business leader Donald Sherwood. The Sherwood family had a lifelong history of supporting the college, which lives on in generous trust donations, including one in their daughter’s name.

In 1972, when Sherwood was asked “Why Whitman?” for a newspaper article, this was his reply: “An investment in education is more rewarding than anything we have discovered. A college is something vital. Things are moving. It is constructive and forward looking.”

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