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Outside Scholarships

Whitman students earn around $1,000,000 in scholarships each year from outside organizations.

Whitman students earn outside scholarships from a variety of sources, including high schools, community organizations, and corporations. There are also scholarship services that help students find outside scholarship opportunities they may be eligible for. The list below can help you start your search for outside scholarships:

Outside Scholarship Policies

If you are notified that you have been awarded an outside scholarship, please contact our office so that we can ensure that your financial aid includes them and your student account balance reflects them.

All scholarship checks should be sent directly to:

Whitman College
Office of Financial Aid
345 Boyer Ave
Walla Walla, WA 99362

Scholarship checks received by our office will be divided equally between fall and spring semesters unless otherwise indicated in writing by the donor. 

Outside scholarships will not reduce the amount of scholarships and grants you receive from Whitman unless the total amount of your scholarship and grant awards exceeds the cost of attendance at Whitman. Outside scholarships may impact your eligibility for subsidized need-based aid from the federal government, like the Federal Direct Subsidized Loan and work study.  If your scholarships reduce your eligibility for these awards, a financial aid officer will contact you. In some cases, this may mean that you go from being work study eligible to being a regular student employee, or that some of your subsidized loan has to be converted to unsubsidized loan.

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