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Mental Health Resources

A Message From the Counseling Center Staff

We want to provide our students with support and resources throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and always.

At this time, the counseling center is offering both in-person and virtual counseling sessions, following the Washington state COVID-19 guidelines for in-person and virtual counseling sessions.

Whitman College counselors are able to meet with students via teletherapy, a HIPAA-compliant interactive video/audio service. Due to state law, Whitman College counselors are only able to provide teletherapy to students physically located in Washington state. Students who are currently outside of Washington state should see information below about our partnership with Uwill. Teletherapy is not suitable for all students and you will be evaluated for ethical treatment.

Uwill Telehealth Counseling

Uwill student banner

Additionally, Whitman College students have access to free teletherapy through our partnership with Uwill. Uwill is a leading mental health and wellness solution for colleges and students. Students have an immediate, secure, and convenient way to receive online-based counseling services should the need arise. This teletherapy service is offered throughout the entire year at no cost to our Whitman students. These are some convenient benefits that are offered by Uwill; 

  • Choose a therapist based on your preferences including issue, gender, language, ethnicity.
  • Choose a time that fits your schedule with day, night and weekend availability.
  • Choose your appointment type, video, phone, chat or message.

You can register and book your first session in just minutes by clicking here

If you need any assistance accessing Uwill or have questions about the program, you can find more information from the following resources:

  • Contact Whitman Counseling Center at 509-527-5195.
  • Reach out directly to Uwill at 833-998-9455 or support@uwill.com.

Scheduling a Counseling Appointment

To schedule an appointment with your current therapist, please email them to set up a time. The therapist will then send you a link to join by video or phone. For new students seeking information or assistance with scheduling an appointment, please call 509-527-5195. Leave a message if necessary.

Online Resources

      The Calm Together page is an amazing resource of meditations, sleep stories, movement exercises, journals, and music. All of the resources on this page are free to use, and to share. May they bring you, and those around you, peace.

      Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations, Mental Health and Coping During COVID-19

      COVID-19 Resource Center. Everyone is spending more time at home as families over the next few weeks. That can be challenging and stressful on a number of levels.

      We are all figuring it out and trying to manage day-by-day. Learning what to do, what not to do, and how to stay connected, but not too physically connected. We are figuring out new routines, approaches and needs.

      Find a therapist near you, Psychology Today.

      Feeling overwhelmed by the Pandemic? Expressive writing can help, http://exw.utpsyc.org/.

      This website gives you some ways to try out expressive writing to help you deal with the COVID-19 outbreak. By writing about your thoughts and feelings for as little as 5-10 minutes, you may change the ways you are thinking, feeling, and even sleeping.

      Sanvello is an evidence-based mobile care solution created by clinical experts that allows you to access on-demand help for stress, anxiety, and depression. Sanvello uses clinically validated techniques such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) that are designed to work together to help you learn how to feel happier. The mission is to help people build the life skills they need - anytime, anywhere, and in any way they choose.

      Whitman and BetterYou, BetterYou works with colleges and universities to engage students and help them develop healthier habits in physical, social and mental wellness. You can download the BetterYou app here

      Mental Health Apps

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