Appendix 3 – Fire Prevention Plan
Whitman College recognizes that effective fire prevention management is the responsibility of both the employer and the employees. Employer and employees have a responsibility to help provide a safe place to work, and to be aware of potentially hazardous situations. This plan is intended to identify workplace fire hazards and basic housekeeping and storage procedures that will reduce the possibility of a workplace fire.
- Burning of candles and incense is prohibited in residence halls.
- Smoking is not allowed in any Whitman College facility. Smoking is not permitted within 20 ft. of building doorways, air intakes, or operable windows. Smoking materials must be safely extinguished before discarding.
- Whitman College buildings are protected by detection and alarm systems. Tampering with any detection or alarm device is strictly prohibited. Problems noted with alarm systems should be reported to Whitman College Security.
- In the event a building fire alarm sounds, all employees must immediately exit the building and move to a safe space.
- Do not attempt to fight a fire if the building fire alarm sounds. If using an extinguisher when the alarm sounds, stop, place the extinguisher on the floor (out of the travel path) and exit the building immediately.
- Employees must be trained before operating a fire extinguisher.
- Departments should designate primary and alternate assembly areas.
- All employees shall maintain their individual work areas in an orderly condition, free of flammable debris and obstructions to egress.
- All oily rags or other combustible waste materials shall be disposed in shops, studios, and laboratories in FM[1] approved containers.
- Approved protective screens shall be utilized for indoor welding operations. The operator shall wear appropriate personal protective equipment as required.
- Flammable liquids shall be stored in designated areas and in appropriate storage containers.
- Paper and/or cardboard in recycling areas shall be removed to the recycling center by scheduled pickup, or by arrangement with the recycling coordinator.
- All employees shall be apprised of fire hazards and trained on the fire prevention plan.
- All employees shall at least annually familiarize themselves with the hazards associated with fire extinguisher use, location of portable fire extinguishers provided in their workplace, the hazards for which that type of extinguisher is appropriate, and the general principles of fire extinguisher use.
- All equipment shall be maintained in good repair. Any equipment that may pose a fire hazard will be removed from operation immediately.
- Door stops may not be used to hold fire doors open.
In event of fire
- Evacuate the building immediately.
- Call 911
- Alert others as you evacuate.
- Activate the nearest alarm pull station.
- Do not enter the building if alarm is sounding, or if smoke or flame are visible.
- Do not enter the building until it has been cleared for occupancy by the fire department. Notification of clearance will be announced by emergency response personnel or a Whitman official such as a Security Officer.
- Evacuation
- Close your office/lab/classroom door(s) as you leave.
- Do not lock doors.
- Leave via the nearest safe exit.
- Meet at the department’s designated location.
- Note the location and condition of anyone you encounter as you depart if they are unable to evacuate the building.
- Don’t use elevators.
- Go to your department’s designated primary assembly area.
- If the primary assembly area is unsafe, go to your department’s secondary assembly area.
- Stay out of the way of emergency response vehicles and activities.
- Stay out of smoke plumes and mists.
- Stay at least 100’ from the impacted building(s).
[1] FM is an independent third-party certification provider for fire prevention and detection devices.
Environmental Health and Safety