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Summer Fly-In Program

Get ready to soar!

Starting college is exciting, but it can also feel daunting. Whitman College has developed a pre-orientation program called the Summer Fly-In. It’s designed to help students who are either the first in their family to attend college and/or from a working-class background to get to know each other and everything Whitman has to offer.

The Summer Fly-In program is for incoming students who will be enrolled at Whitman in the fall semester. If you are a high school student interested in visiting Whitman, please check out the Visit Scholar Program.

Students participating in the Summer Fly-In will connect with other new and current students, as well as key staff and faculty who will share major campus resources.

Who's invited?

Students are identified through the admissions process and students who are invited to attend will have a registration form linked in their Admission portal.

Summer Fly-In 2025 Cohort Dates

Cohort 1: July 13-17, 2025
Cohort 2: July 20-24, 2025

Do you have questions? Please contact Juli Dunn at dunnjl@whitman.edu or 509-522-4403.

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