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Winter 2025

Whitman Magazine

In this edition of Whitman Magazine, meet a family of Whitman alums stewarding a vibrant Oregon ecosystem, five former Blues who are playing on in graduate school, a Computer Science professor with a unique perspective on problem solving, and a senior from Guatemala making the world a little bit brighter.

Whitman Alum Family Nurtures a Sustainable Forest in Oregon’s Willamette Valley

Whitman Alum Family Nurtures a Sustainable Forest in Oregon’s Willamette Valley

For the Deumling family, the Zena Forest is a beloved home, a thriving business and the heart of a multigenerational mission to protect a vibrant ecosystem.

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Feature Stories

Enjoy highlights from this issue of Whitman Magazine.

Jai Deshpande dunking a basketball.

Extra Innings for Whitman Student-Athletes in Grad School

When the pandemic upended the world, it capsized college sports too, but years later, many student-athletes got a second chance to compete—in graduate school. Meet five former Blues who are using the lessons they learned at Whitman to advance and thrive in their graduate studies, sports and life.

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Four student athletes standing outside.

Super Senior Student-Athletes Making Their Fifth Year Count

This year, five Blues student-athletes who started college in 2020 opted to use their extra year of NCAA eligibility to stay on at Whitman College and pursue unique opportunities—on the court, on the field and in the classroom.

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Computer Science students working on projects.

Professor Problem-Solver: Teaching Creative & Efficient Software Solutions

When he’s not teaching a class, Associate Professor of Computer Science John Stratton can be found collaborating on research with colleagues, directing the Whitman College Software Optimization Lab, advising pre-engineering students or helping lead the global software consultancy MulticoreWare.

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Eyleen Tuy Menchu

Curiosity & Connection Fuel Senior Eyleen Menchú Tuy’s Global Education

Deep curiosity and determination have taken Eyleen Menchú Tuy ’25 around the world—from her roots in Guatemala to boarding school in Costa Rica to studying in Walla Walla. As she prepares to graduate, she reflects on the value of finding community wherever she goes.

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Eyleen Carlos Maura and friends at sunset.

Whitman Student-Faculty Team Stages ‘Illuminating’ Play in Peru

In the summer of 2024, Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies Carlos Vargas-Salgado and two student researchers staged the theater production “Camasca” in the heart of Peru’s most Indigenous region, interviewing cast, crew and audience members about its political impact on the Hispanic world.

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Anne Gelen Peterson and friends

Post-Reunion Reflections From a Weekend in Walla Walla

Successful journalist, podcaster and Culture Study author Anne Helen Petersen ’03 revisited campus, friends and fond memories at Whitman’s Reunion Weekend 2024.

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Hot air balloons over the Whitman College campus.

Celebrating One Year of Upward Together

In October 2023, we gathered in the heart of campus to launch Whitman College’s most ambitious campaign yet: Upward Together. Watch a year-one update on what your gifts are doing and read highlights from an amazing year of impact.

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On Boyer Avenue

What’s happening on campus—community and college news.

Elisabeth Mermann Jozwiak

Fast 5 With Elisabeth Mermann-Jozwiak

New Provost and Dean of the Faculty Elisabeth Mermann-Jozwiak shares what drew her to Whitman College and what she sees on the horizon for Whitman academics.

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Students outdoots as part of the Bob Carson program.

Alums Charlie & Patti Nelson Honor Whitman Icons With Outdoor Program Gift

With their new endowment, Charlie Nelson ’83 and Patti Hankel Nelson ’85 are helping to ensure continuous financing for the Bob Carson Outdoor Program Fund, which aims to make outdoor adventures financially accessible to all Whitman students.

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Buffet of food

Whitman College Hosts Inaugural First Foods Festival

Whitman College hosted the First Foods Festival on Nov. 9. The event offered activities and education about the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Reservation and their exciting initiatives for environmental stewardship.

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Rainbow-colored mosaic of people

Social Justice Concentration Is a Pathway for Changemakers

A new program at Whitman College provides an interdisciplinary pathway of theory, history and hands-on activities for students to integrate social justice studies throughout their education.

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HEED Award Badge

Whitman College Receives National Award for Commitment to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

The Higher Education Excellence in Diversity Award from Insight Into Diversity magazine recognizes Whitman’s ongoing dedication to cultivate an inclusive campus community. 

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About Whitman Magazine

Whitman Magazine is the flagship publication of Whitman College. It supports the college and its strategic goals by telling our best stories, whether about alumni, students, faculty, staff, donors or the institution itself. 

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