2001-2002 Calendar of Events
Thursday April 26, 2001
Talks About Teaching Series "Student Evaluations as a Gift"
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
MEM 316
Susan Ferguson (English)
Lunch provided
Friday Apr 13, 2001
Expert Workshops
CTL - Penrose 313
Small group session working through case-studies illustrating problems of fair use, performance rights, liability, and ownership of collaborative works. For information, contact Gary Esarey
Thursday April 12, 2001
Georgia Harper "Faculty Concerns about Copyright and Ownership of Course Material"
Kimball Theatre
Thursday April 5, 2001
Talks About Teaching Series "Lecturing: Why Lecture"
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
MEM 316
David Schmitz (History)
Lunch Provided
Tuesday March 13, 2001
Expert Workshops Rockefeller Initiative Grant George Bodner "Improving Upon Introductory Science Lecture"
For information, contact Ruth Russo
Thursday March 1, 2001
Talks About Teaching Series "Coaching Students for Oral Presentations"
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
CTL - Penrose 313
Bob Withycombe (Rhetoric)
Lunch Provided
Thursday Feb. 26, 2001
Expert Workshops Sharron Macklin "GIS (Geographical Information Systems) Across the Curriculum"
For information, Contact Gary Esarey
Thursday Feb. 22, 2001
Talks About Teaching Series "Student Learning Styles"
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
MEM 316
Clare Carson, Director, Academic Resources
Lunch Provided
Friday Dec. 1, 2000
"Designing and Using Supplemental Student Evaluation Teaching Forms"
5:00 PM
Baker Faculty Center
Keith Farrington (Sociology), Walt Wyman (Religion), & Jim Russo (Chemistry)
Chat over cheese and wine
Thursday Oct. 26, 2000
"Modes of Learning"
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
MEM 316
Frank Dunnivant (Chemistry) & Ann Pailliotet (Education)
Lunch provided
Thursday Oct. 12, 2000
"Integrating Research and Teaching"
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
MEM 316
Bob Carson (Geology) & David Schmitz (History)
Lunch provided
Thursday Sept. 14, 2000
Stephen Brookfield
7:00 PM
Kimball Theatre
Reception following