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Associated Programs

Programs Associated With the CTL

Faculty Mentoring

Whitman offers two mentoring programs, one for faculty in tenure-track positions and one for faculty with non-tenure-track appointments. Mentors provide teaching and career advice, help socialize new faculty members into the academic culture at Whitman, address questions about promotion and offer social support. Some activities of the mentoring program take place in a group setting while others take place one-on-one. One-on-one mentoring has been linked to higher job performance, and more importantly, increased job and life satisfaction.

To learn more about the mentoring program, please contact Kisha Schlegel at schlegkl@whitman.edu (for tenure-track faculty) or Mary Raschko at raschkml@whitman.edu (for non-tenure-track faculty).

Center for Writing and Speaking (COWS)

The COWS is committed to working closely with students in order to meet their writing goals. Our aim is to provide students with a safe and receptive space in which to write, and with the tools they need to approach academic writing with confidence and zeal.

Provost and Dean of the Faculty
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