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Podcasts and Blogs

Whitman College staff, faculty, students and programs host a number of blogs and podcasts exploring relevant issues, areas of expertise, or sharing their journeys. Follow the links below to explore the voices of the Whitman community.


Our Whitman, My Story. Whitman College students tell their stories—about their unique experiences in choosing Whitman, being part of the Whitman community and what they love most.

The Cold Open Podcast. On which two media obsessed college professors discuss all things film, TV, and popular culture.  By Whitman College Film & Media Studies. 


Between Blog. Enjoy sociology Professor Michelle Janning's musings and comparisons of what lies "between" her subjects.

Counting From Zero, Building a liberal arts CS program in the age of ubiquity by Janet Davis, Associate Professor and Microsoft Chair of computer science.

Harper Joy Theatre Blog. Get the latest news on productions and behind-the-scenes looks at life in the Department of Theater and Dance on the Harper Joy Theatre blog.

Johanna Stoberock, senior adjunct assistant professor of English & general studies, will be publishing her novel, Pigs, in October of 2019. Enjoy her posts about the process and other things: "misadventures in publishing," "fact or fiction?," "writing prompts," and "recommendations." 

Off-Campus Studies. We believe that an understanding of a culture or region other than one's own is an essential part of a liberal arts education and a key to developing future leaders in an increasingly interdependent global society. Read the many blogs of Whitman students as they travel, learn and explore different countries.

Semester in the West. Whitman College's Semester in the West is an interdisciplinary field program focusing on public lands conservation and rural life in the interior American West. Follow along their journey of over 8,000 miles.

The Career and Community Engagement Center. We connect Whitman students and alumni to the communities and experiences that help them cultivate their futures. Since 2010, we've helped members of the Whitman family volunteer, find internships, secure jobs, change careers, and chase the myriad dreams available to liberal arts students and graduates. See what we're up to today.

Whitman Library Explore what's going on from day-to-day at the Whitman Library.  It's not just books.

Do you have a blog or a podcast that is affiliated with Whitman College? Would you like it to appear on this page? Please contact Director of Content Margie Reece.

This list of blogs and podcasts is provided as a courtesy; these sites are not managed by the Communications Office. If you have questions about the content on the sites, please reach out to the department or faculty member who is the owner of the site.

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