Whitman Magazine

Chemists Kato Killops ’06 and Hossein Baghdadi ’00 Create Innovative Materials at Nike
Chemists Kato Killops ’06 and Hossein Baghdadi ’00 create new high-tech materials on Nike’s Innovation team.
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Enjoy highlights from this issue of Whitman Magazine.

Developing Strong Voices
Whitman President Kathleen M. Murray discusses Tara Westover’s memoir “Educated” and the importance of finding one’s voice.

Chemists Kato Killops ’06 and Hossein Baghdadi ’00 Create Innovative Materials at Nike
Chemists Kato Killops ’06 and Hossein Baghdadi ’00 create new high-tech materials on Nike’s Innovation team.

Politics Professor Aaron Bobrow-Strain Connects Classroom to Community through U.S.-Mexico Border Program
Politics professor and author Aaron Bobrow-Strain traverses literal and figurative borders to guide students from classroom to community.

Mentorship Is Key for Career Connector Jim Dow ’71
Jim Dow ’71 serves as a mentor to Whitties looking to make professional connections.

Pendleton Round-Up Veterinarian Doug Corey ’72 Devotes Career to Animal Welfare
Pendleton Round-Up veterinarian Doug Corey ’72 devotes career to animal welfare.

Assistant Professor of English Mary Raschko Examines the Timeless Themes in Medieval Texts
Assistant Professor of English Mary Raschko focuses on medieval texts and finds ways to apply them to modern questions.

Rebecca Johnston ’22 Conquers Cancer with Determination to Study Medicine
Scholar-athlete Rebecca Johnston ’22 battles back from rare bone cancer with determination to study medicine.
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