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Whitman Stories

May 14, 2019

Aisha Fukushima '09 Returns to Tell Her Story at Commencement

The notable alumna returns to Whitman May 19 to deliver remarks on her worldwide journey as an artist and activist as the college's 2019 commencement speaker. "An image came to my mind of a cycle, of 10 years, and returning full circle," Fukushima said of being asked to address the graduating class. "I’m excited, I’m curious. I’m coming in with an interest in their goals. I hopefully have a message that the next generation of leaders need to hear."
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A portrait of Nadyieli Gonzalez Ortiz
May 13, 2019

VIDEO: I'm a Whittie - Nadyieli Gonzalez Ortiz '21

Nadyieli Gonzalez Ortiz '21 is in her second year at Whitman. After taking a class with Aaron Bobrow-Strain she realized she wanted to study politics because it would put her on the career path she wants to take. Although the Whitman community keeps her busy, Nadyeili enjoys the town of Walla Walla and feels there are people all around the community that contribute to her Whitman experience in "really cool ways."
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Olivia Hagmann, far right, stands with instructor Suzanne Morrissey, center, and another student.
May 9, 2019

VIDEO: Senior Explores Community Health through Pop-Up Acupuncture Clinic

Olivia Hagmann ’19 applied her experience as an intern at the People’s Organization for Community Acupuncture (POCA) in Seattle to organize a pop-up acupuncture clinic in downtown Walla Walla. A double major in anthropology and film and media studies at Whitman College, Hagmann was awarded a Mellon Community Engagement Grant to fund the Walla Walla Acupuncture Project, which served as her senior capstone integrative experience.
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Lyman Persico stands in the Mojave Desert.
May 9, 2019

Undergraduate Research is Key for Geology Faculty Lyman Persico

In the driest desert in North America, Lyman Persico became a geologist. He was an undergraduate researcher working alongside doctoral students and professors on a project through the University of Vermont. In a remote part of the Mojave Desert, they were measuring erosion rates of hillslopes.
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A portrait of Maegen Martin
May 6, 2019

VIDEO: I'm a Whittie - Maegen Martin '19

Maegen Martin is a member of the Class of 2019. After visiting Whitman for the first time, she realized how close-knit the community was and knew she wanted to attend. As a member of the women's basketball team, Meagen has seen her role at Whitman change both on and off the court.
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Alumna Aisha Fukushima '09 will deliver this year’s commencement address at 11 a.m. Sunday, May 19, 2019.
May 6, 2019

Alumna Brings Global Hip-Hop Message to 2019 Commencement

The founder of RAPtivism, Aisha Fukushima '09, will deliver this year’s commencement address at 11 a.m. Sunday, May 19, 2019.
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Mike Nobles puts documents in envelopes.
May 3, 2019

Student Supports Sustainable Agriculture in Madagascar through Internship Grant

Halfway around the world in Madagascar, subsistence farmers are harvesting silk from silkworms and weaving them into burial shrouds. But it's a student from Whitman College in Walla Walla, Washington, who is helping turn that fabric into a marketable industry.
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Hadar Ahuvia performs a dance.
May 2, 2019

Visiting Educators Bring Unique Expertise to Whitman

Each semester, students at Whitman College get the chance to be exposed to ideas from around the globe, thanks to the O’Donnell Visiting Educator program. Managed by the Center for Global Studies, the O’Donnell program funds visitors from around the world, who bring their expertise and perspective to Walla Walla.
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May 2, 2019

Professor Aaron Bobrow-Strain Publishes Nonfiction Border Story

In his new book, "The Death and Life of Aida Hernandez," Professor of Politics Aaron Bobrow-Strain weaves "a rich, novelistic tale of a young woman whose life spans both sides of the United States-Mexican border."
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Chief Judge Robert Lawrence-Berrey '86 (left) of the Washington State Court of Appeals (Division III) and trial lawyer Andrea Burkhart '00
May 1, 2019

Court of Appeals' Visit to Whitman Features Alumni on Both Sides of the Bench

Two alumni will meet in legal action on Whitman's campus this week, when trial lawyer Andrea Burkhart '00 argues a case in front of Chief Judge Robert Lawrence-Berrey '86 of the Washington State Court of Appeals (Division III). The oral arguments will be held in Maxey Auditorium at 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. on Thursday, May 2, and are open to the public.
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Sarah Kendzior speaks at the microphone.
May 1, 2019

Hosokawa Lecturer: Tell the Stories that Need to be Told

Best-selling author Sarah Kendzior came to Whitman on April 24, 2019, to encourage students from the Whitman Wire to continue their pursuit of journalism.
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April 30, 2019

Bécquer Medak-Seguín '10 Examines Impact of Spain's Election

Bécquer Medak-Seguín '10 is an assistant professor of Iberian studies at Johns Hopkins University. He co-wrote this essay titled, "In a Polarized Spain, Voters Give the Socialists Another Chance." It reports on the latest political shifts within Spain's government, including Socialist gains as well as the emergence of a strong far-right.
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