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Helping You Succeed 2.0

How can you find out more about how you learn?

We often have students ask for advice about how to successfully transition to the college atmosphere. One really important thing to keep in mind is that Whitman's rigorous academic environment often requires changes to the study habits that got you here. The combination of unstructured time, increased independence, and the accelerated pace and intensity of academic work can be really hard to balance!

  • Explore how you learn best: Navigate through our information and diagnostic tools in order to gain insight into how your brain works and what supports might be the best fit for you! We have suggestions for the following aspects of your academic life at Whitman: Reading, Writing, Quantitative Skills, Taking Notes, Studying and Memory Strategies, Test-Taking, Attention, Organization, Planning, and Productivity. 
  • Support for diverse learners: Get some further information about learning disabilities and differences and what supports may be the best fit for your diverse needs.

How can the ARC help?

We often find that students often view academic success as "earned" only if it's been an individual personal struggle. However, there is tremendous value in reaching out for help and accepting it when it is offered. We're here to help you study more effectively so that you can reach your academic goals without sacrificing your other commitments or finding yourself unable to relax and enjoy social or personal time. 

  • Academic Coaching meetings: One-on-one sessions designed with your particular goals in mind. Strategies and topics can include goal-setting, time management, reading and study strategies, and overcoming procrastination. Regular meetings also encourage accountability and can build towards establishing personal accountability.
  • Skill-building workshops and sessions: Common topics include time management, note-taking, critical reading skills, test-taking strategies, and managing test anxiety. We can also bring our workshops to your student organization or campus office! Please contact arc@whitman.edu to schedule a workshop.
  • Four-year planning: Chart your course of study, check your academic evaluation, and set realistic and attainable goals with an ARC staff member!
  • Handouts and planners: We have hard copies available in our office and electronic versions online.

Where is the ARC located?

Come visit us in 332 Olin! The ARC office is located on the 3rd floor of Olin Hall near the elevator and southeast stairwell. You can also call us at 509-527-5213 or email arc@whitman.edu for assistance. 

Contact Us:
  • Olin Hall 334
    345 Boyer Avenue
    Walla Walla, WA 99362
  • Summer Hours: 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Academic Year Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Phone: 509-527-5898 Fax: 509-527-5039
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