Tutoring at Whitman

Struggling in a class?
We’ve all been there. Whether it is one section or the entire course, sometimes a little extra support is needed to grapple with the concepts and make it through. At Whitman there are a few options for accessing that support!
ARC Peer Tutoring
ARC Peer Tutors are available to work with students during individually scheduled meetings. They encourage and guide students to understand how to approach problem solving and improve course-specific study habits. They help students become independent and more confident learners. As always, ARC Peer Tutoring is free. Peer Academic Coaches are also available to assist students with the development of academic skills.
Departmental Tutors
Some departments such as Math, Physics and Computer Science, as well as several of the language programs also offer tutoring support via drop-in hours, department fellows, or lab TAs. STEM hub also offers tutoring and study groups.
The Center for Writing and Speaking (COWS)
Center for Writing and Speaking (COWS) is the place to go for individual consultation on writing and speaking as well as for senior thesis writing support. Please see more on the COWS page.
Contact Testing & Tutoring Coordinator Noémie Studer at studern@whitman.edu.
Olin Hall 334
345 Boyer Avenue
Walla Walla, WA 99362 -
Summer Hours: 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Academic Year Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Phone: 509-527-5898 Fax: 509-527-5039