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Your Learning Toolbox

Your learning toolbox

There are many great resources on campus to help you navigate and succeed in the rigorous learning environment here at Whitman. The ARC staff will help you create a path for reaching your academic goals, with individualized peer tutoring included. Tutoring is a great way to enhance your out-of class learning experience, and is a normal, tried and true way to help boost your confidence and understanding.  

Some solid steps to increase your learning are:

  • Go to class!
  • Talk with your professor, either in class, during their office hours, or make an appointment
  • Go to course-related review sessions
  • Talk with your classmates, and join or create a study group
  • Create a master list of deadlines and due dates, and when exams are scheduled
  • Create set times to do homework, visit resources, meet with your study groups, and for self-care and plenty of sleep
  • Develop goals for the term, the week, and each hour, and create a study cycle for learning
  • If you are new to Whitman, chat with your Student Academic Adviser during their office hours
  • Go to drop in tutoring sessions, STEM Hub and COWS
  • Work with a peer academic coach for 1:1 assistance in developing stronger academic skills or a peer tutor for 1:1 support in a specific subject area
Contact Us:
  • Olin Hall 334
    345 Boyer Avenue
    Walla Walla, WA 99362
  • Summer Hours: 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Academic Year Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Phone: 509-527-5898 Fax: 509-527-5039
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