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Blue Mountain Action Council Legal Aid

Mission: The BMAC Pro Bono Program serves individuals at or below 200% of the federal poverty level in Walla Walla and Columbia Counties by providing civil legal aid services. The program provides assistance to clients with cases regarding divorce, custody/visitation, landlord/tenant issues, wills and estates, debt collection, bankruptcy, adult guardianship, and emancipation.

Community Fellow

The fellow will be responsible for directly serving clients of the BMAC Pro Bono Program. The fellow's primary role will be to act as a supplement to the coordinator and AmeriCorps member, enhancing the program's ability to see clients. This requires the fellow to not only work closely with the coordinator, but also to do independent research using the resources indentified by the coordinator. The fellow must become familiar with the paperwork associated with various kinds of cases and must learn how to properly complete these forms. Additionally, the fellow may assist the coordinator in related responsibilities, including maintenance of the Legal Aid Wall, website updates, and general organizational tasks. In order to better understand the court system and outcomes related to our clients, the fellow may go to court and observe family law dockets.

Position Description and Application Instructions


Katharine Nyden

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