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Student Leader Learning Outcomes

Students serving as leaders in WEB, ASWC, Power & Privilege Symposium, Sorority & Fraternity Life, Campus Media Organizations, Student Activities, and Recreational Sports will learn to:


  • Work effectively with others to formulate both specific event/project goals and broad organization goals.
  • Diagnose problems, generate and choose between multiple solutions, and evaluate outcomes.
  • Use discretion when dealing with liability, suitability, or matters of confidentiality.

Communication & Collaboration

  • Speak and write in a clear, direct, and constructive manner.
  • Articulate relevant information to various individuals and groups.
  • Correspond professionally with others (e.g. peers/team members, artists/agents, campus offices, cosponsoring groups, etc.) to accomplish tasks.
  • Convey thoughtful and relevant feedback to peers.

Social Justice, Equity, & Inclusion

  • Examine and articulate personal social identities, privileges, and biases.
  • Recognize the importance of and actively seek contributions from others regardless of differing social identities.
  • Foster organizations that are inclusive and welcoming of all students.

Self-Management & Appraisal

  • Maintain personal health and wellness.
  • Prioritize commitments and employ time management skills to maintain balance between academic work, extracurricular activities, personal time, etc.
  • Articulate personal skills, abilities, and areas for growth.
  • Reflect upon and analyze of personal development and learning.

Applied Skills

  • Maintain accurate and thorough documentation of projects (i.e. tasks, timelines, correspondence, budget, etc.).
  • Develop, implement, monitor, and adjust program budget based on funding.

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