Community - Your Whitman College ID Card
Spouses and dependents of Faculty and Staff can receive an picture ID Card at Whitman.
Obtaining a Card
To obtain your card you will need to do the following:
- Go to Human Resources to obtain your ID number.
- Contact the Security office to get a card made. Their office is located in the Technology Services building, 416 E. Main St. and they are able to make ID cards Tuesday through Friday from 4pm to 6pm.
- Take the card to the Sherwood Center office. They will record your information, have you sign a waiver, and usually activate your card.
- Once you are finished at Sherwood contact Technology Services to make sure your card has been marked in the system. This will assure that your card will work as long as you need it.
Building Access
Your ID card will allow you access to these buildings on campus that are equipped with doorswipes.
- Sherwood Center, with the signed waiver you fill out at Sherwood when you get your card activated.
- Bratton Tennis Center, with special permission. Contact Jeff Northam at Sherwood Center for more information.
Other buildings will require permission from the building's office before you can access them. More info on how doorswipes work can be found by clicking here.
Library Resource Usage for Partners and Dependents
Bring your Whitman ID card to the circulation desk to be added to the library system. You may then use your Whitman ID to borrow circulating library materials. Community members under the age of 18 must have a parent present to be issued an account. Find out more at the Library's FAQ.
If Your Card Doesn't Work
If your card does not work, here are some tips to help find what is wrong:
- Is it not working on a Doorswipe?
- Is the Doorswipe accepting swipes? (See Doorswipe Swiping in Doorswipe Operations) If not then the building's office has decided that the cardswipe shouldn't be working at this time for some or all of the cards. You will need to talk to them if you feel you have a valid reason for using the doorswipe when you are trying to use it.
- If it should be accepting your swipe can other people (that it should be accepting) successfully swipe into this door? If not then it may be a general doorswipe problem. Contact Technology Services so that we can get it fixed.
- Do you have the privilege for this door? If not then you may will need to contact the building's office to get their authorization.
- Does your card work in other Doorswipes (if you can use any others)? If not then there is probably a problem with your card. Bring it to Technology Services to get it examined and recoded.
- If your card is damaged then you need to follow the instructions for getting it replaced in the Lost Cards section. There may or may not be a charge for this depending on the damage.
If Your Card Is Lost Or Stolen
ID Cards are an important asset here on campus. It is very important that you keep track of yours because it is like a building key. If you happen to lose your card or it gets stolen it is very important that you do the following:
- Notify the Campus Security Office (campus at extension 5777 or 527-5777 if off-campus) to make sure your card gets suspended so that no one else can use it.
- If you are unable to find or recover your card then contact the Security office again to get a new card made. Their office is located in the Technology Services building, 416 E. Main St. Please call for an appointment. A replacement card costs $15.00.
- Once the new card is issued or if you find your old card (so that you don't need a new one) come into the Technology Services office to make sure your card gets reinstated properly.
If You no Longer Need Your Card
When you no longer need your card it would be appreciated it you would return it to Technology Services so that we can remove your card from the system. This will help us in keeping our system up to date.
Technology Services Building
416 E. Main St.
Walla Walla, WA 99362 -
509-527-5777 (calls only)
509-876-7251 (calls & text) -