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Computer Equipment Purchasing Policy

The purchase of college computing equipment for personal use after the end of its predetermined useful life is not permitted. Similarly, the purchase of college computing equipment is not permitted as an employee's employment with the college is terminated (e.g., voluntary or involuntary separation, retirement, etc.). This policy applies to all departments, staff, and faculty.

Rationale for Policy

Data Security

Ensures that all college data and software are securely wiped and do not risk exposure from personal use.

Software Licenses

All computers contain software that is specifically licensed to the college that can not be transferred for personal use.


Prevents any potential conflicts of interest, or perceptions of favoritism, in the disposal of the college's assets.

Resource Management and Sustainability

Facilitates the proper recycling and disposal of outdated equipment in accordance with environmental regulations.

Policy Compliance

Aligns with the college’s broader asset management and disposal policies in order to ensure consistency and transparency.


For any questions or clarifications, please contact Whitman College Technology Services.

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