Starting an ASWC Club
Guidelines for Starting a New Club
- Identify your new club’s purpose. Groups which seek ASWC funding should be able to articulate how the groups' mission and activities enrich and diversify the Whitman educational experience and provide new leadership or learning opportunities to club members.
- Select an adviser from among the Whitman faculty and staff. This person should have some skill, knowledge, or interest which relates to the purpose or functioning of your club.
- Fill out the Club Registration Form. This will let the ASWC Director of Student Organizations know that you are beginning the process of applying for ASWC recognition.
- With your club adviser and other club leaders, create a club constitution. Take a look at the sample constitution for direction in crafting this document. Every club must have an approved constitution on file in both the Student Activities Office and with the ASWC Director of Student Organizations to receive ASWC funding.
- Submit the completed club constitution to the Student Activities Office (RCC 202). You will receive notification when these items have been approved. If the Student Activities staff feels there are changes that should be made before your constitution can be approved, they will ask that you resubmit a constitution with the necessary revisions.
- File your completed constitution with the ASWC Director of Student Organizations once you have received approval from the Student Activities Office. Every club must have an approved constitution on file in both the Student Activities Office and with the ASWC Director of Student Organizations to be approved by the Senate.
- Attend the ASWC Senate meeting at which your club will be on the agenda for consideration. This way, you can address any questions that senators have about your club. The Director of Student Organizations will notify you of the date and time once these have been set.
If a club/organization poses safety or liability risks to club members or to the College, the Student Activities Office and ASWC reserve the right to deny recognition to that club.
Email ASWC to request Club Recognition as an ASWC-Funded Club (
Email the Student Activities office ( or 509-527-5208)
Student Activities