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Starting a Club

Guidelines for Starting a New Student Club 

    1. Identify your new club’s purpose.  Groups which seek ASWC funding should be able to articulate how the groups' mission and activities enrich and diversify the Whitman educational experience and provide new leadership or learning opportunities to club members.
    2. Select an adviser from among the Whitman faculty and staff.  This person should have some skill, knowledge, or interest which relates to the purpose or functioning of your club.
    3. Fill out the Club Registration Form.
    4. With your club adviser and other club leaders, create a club constitution.  Take a look at the sample constitution for direction in crafting this document. 
    5. Submit the completed club constitution. Once you have submitted your Organization Registration form on Involve (whitman.presence.io), schedule an appointment to meet with the Associate Director of Student Activities, NiQo Bullock (bullockd@whitman.edu), Reid Campus Center 202
    6. Club or organizations seeking funding from ASWC will need to present to the ASWC Senate for affiliation after meeting with the Associate Director of Student Activities. Niqo will assist new clobs and organizations in getting connected with the ASWC Student Devleopment Chair for a time and date for presenting.

If a club/organization poses safety or liability risks to club members or to the College, the Student Activities Office and ASWC reserve the right to deny recognition to that club.

Student Activities, Involvement and Leadership Office (studentactivities@whitman.edu, 509-527-5208)

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