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Climbing Competitions

Sweet Onion Crank

The Sweet Onion Crank is an annual climbing competition held each April at the Whitman College Climbing Center. This year’s event will take place on April 26, 2025, starting at 8:30 am.

Registration is $18 for Whitman students and $33 for external participants. Crank tanks are included with registration.

Join us for a day of fun climbing, meeting new people, and the chance to win raffle prizes! The competition will be broken into three heats, each lasting two hours. Once heat results are tallied we will host a finals climb.


Register by following one of the links below (pay attention to which link is right for you!):



Contact Us

Contact Lily Iseminger at crankcoordinator@whitman.edu or 425-394-8974 with any questions.

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