The OP has a variety of kayaks. We own approximately 30 whitewater kayaks, most of which are river runners and a few are playboats. We have 12 sit-on-top whitewater kayaks and 5 inflatable kayaks, which are both great for beginners. Hardshell kayaks require a roof rack or other means of transport whereas inflatable kayaks roll up compactly and are easy to transport.
We have 3 recreational kayaks, which are well suited for lakes and calm waters. We also have sea kayaks which are 16'-18' long. They are plastic molded boats and are great for open water, however, due to their length they do require a trailer or roof rack for transportation.
For our complete list of whitewater kayaks click here.

Looking for an outdoor experience or interested in a first-aid course? Check out the OP’s online portal, Compass.