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Climbing Team

The Whitman College Climbing Team posing for a picture.

About the Team

The Whitman College Climbing Team is an officially sanctioned club sports team. We are committed to improving the technical and physical climbing abilities of our athletes. We meet twice a week year-round, and travel to competitions over the weekends during our competitive season in the spring. We compete in the Northwest Collegiate Climbing Circuit (NC3), and also send athletes to USA Climbing Collegiate events. Additionally, many of our members choose not to compete, and attending competitions is not required. Many members of our team start their climbing careers here. The climbing team is a friendly and welcoming environment that aims to support individuals of all climbing backgrounds and abilities so they can achieve their best.

Social Media

Follow the team on Instagram!

Practice Schedule

  • Mondays 4:30-6:30 p.m.
  • Thursdays 8:30-10:30 p.m.

Join the Team

Are you a Whitman Student interested in joining the climbing team? Or learning more about it?

Here is how to join:

  1. Sign up at https://whitman.presence.io/organization/whitman-climbing-team.
  2. Email any of the captains (contact information found below) to be added to the listserv or to ask any questions.

Contact Us

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