Memorial Building 205
345 Boyer Ave.
Walla Walla, WA 99362
Alcohol and Drugs
Alcohol Use and Abuse
- Students studying abroad may be old enough to drink legally in their destination country. Please be aware that customs surrounding alcohol vary significantly from country to country. In many European countries, for example, wine or beer is often consumed with a meal, but it is uncommon for people to drink until they are drunk.
- In more conservative or religious countries, alcohol may be taboo or it may be socially unacceptable for college-age students to drink even if not technically prohibited by the law.
- As in the U.S., excess use of alcohol overseas often leads to poor judgment and is frequently a factor in accidents and other problems. Students should remain aware that, if drinking to excess, they may be putting their safety and the safety of those around them at risk—and will probably be more vulnerable to crime and accidents abroad.
- Students who do not drink and wish to find out how prevalent alcohol consumption is in their study abroad destination should consult with their program staff or Off-Campus Studies. It is perfectly acceptable for students to decline a drink and ask for a non-alcoholic drink instead, wherever they study abroad.
- Whitman students are absolutely prohibited from using illegal drugs while abroad. Students who do so run the risk of immediate expulsion from their OCS program, with loss of credit and program fees, and being barred from returning to the host country in the future.
- Whitman students are prohibited from using marijuana while on OCS, including medical marijuana. Marijuana is still considered a serious illegal drug in many countries and arrest for use or possession can result in long prison sentences or worse.
- In most countries, the authorities consider illegal drug use an extremely serious matter. Even possession of small amounts of some drugs, which may result in relatively light penalties in the U.S., may be considered a very serious crime in a study abroad destination.
- If a Whitman student is caught with any illegal drugs, they are subject to the laws of the host country, not U.S. laws. Whitman College, the student’s OCS program, and US authorities will not be able to do much to help. Since local drug laws frequently carry very stiff penalties, many young Americans find themselves in prison for seemingly small offenses.
- If arrested abroad, students will find that:
- Few countries provide a jury trial
- Most countries do not accept bail
- Pretrial detention (which is often solitary confinement) can last for months
- Prisons may lack even the minimal comforts of a bed, toilet, or washbasin
- Diets are often very poor
- Officials may not (or may not want to) speak English
- Treatment may be inhumane
- Some countries execute those convicted of possession of illegal drugs. And some countries have drug laws that include guilt by association.
- Students should not be fooled by the apparent availability of drugs in some countries. It is not uncommon for drug dealers to turn their customers in and get paid by the police for doing so.
At airports do not agree to check or carry bags of strangers, as you could be found responsible if illegal items are being transported.
Off Campus Studies
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