Medical Conditions
Medical Conditions
Students with chronic medical conditions (either physical or mental), physical disabilities, or learning disabilities, should fully disclose their medical condition and/or disability to the study abroad program as early as possible, to make the program aware of their needs.
Students who have ongoing support from a medical provider and believe they may need medical support while studying away should consult with Off-Campus Studies and their program to ensure that those resources are available in the study destination. Students should ask their doctor for a written diagnosis of any medical conditions they have to carry with them, in case they need to share it with a doctor abroad.
Students with medical conditions or problems that may not be immediately apparent to a physician abroad (like diabetes, allergies, epilepsy, heart condition, etc.) are advised to consider obtaining Medic Alert identification. This internationally recognized emblem provides all vital information to medical personnel in case of an emergency. Further information may be obtained from: or Medic Alert Foundation International, 2323 Colorado Ave., Turlock, CA 95382 (tel. 888-633-4298).
Memorial Building 205
345 Boyer Ave.
Walla Walla, WA 99362 -
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