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Students with documented disabilities should take the following steps to determine if disability accommodations are available on their OCS program and to request accommodations:

  • Inform your OCS adviser of your disability accommodation needs before selecting an OCS program so that the necessary supports you may need will be taken into consideration during program selection. Note that some disability supports may not be permissible or possible in certain countries due to local conditions or laws.
  • Consult with Whitman’s Academic Resource Center (ARC) to ensure that your disability accommodation documentation is current.
  • Submit your disability accommodation documentation to your OCS provider either via the program’s student portal or asking the ARC to email the letter to your OCS program. (Documentation should include a description of the student’s needs as well as the support they receive from Whitman.)
  • Due to privacy laws, Whitman will not automatically send a student’s disability documentation to an OCS program. It is the student’s responsibility to request this.
  • Students who do not submit their disability documentation to their OCS provider in a timely manner will usually not be eligible to receive any disabilities support while abroad.
  • We encourage students with disabilities to submit documentation to their program even if they are unsure about whether they will need the accommodations, as it may be difficult or impossible to arrange after arrival to your program.
  • Take these steps early as disability accommodations may take time to arrange in your OCS destination.
  • For additional resources regarding disabilities abroad, visit the Mobility International USA website.
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