Before You Go
Preparation for Major Exams
Make an appointment with your major adviser to discuss major exam and thesis preparations before you go abroad, especially if you are a spring semester OCS student.
Important Papers
Make at least one paper copy and a digital copy (emailed to yourself or saved on the cloud) of all important documents and papers, including your passport, visas, Student ID, airline tickets, credit cards, insurance cards, and university or program admissions papers. This precaution is invaluable in case of theft or loss. Many countries will allow foreigners to use a copy of a passport or a student identity card for identification purposes.
Whitman Mailbox
Before you leave campus, stop by the Reid Campus Center Post Office to give them a forwarding address in the United States where you want your mail to be sent while you are abroad. If the Whitman Post Office staff does not have a forwarding address, your mail will remain in the Whitman Post Office until your return to campus.
Absentee Ballots
If you would like to vote in a U.S. election while abroad, you can get the application for an absentee ballot via the website. Please follow the instructions listed on this website. This information may also be obtained from U.S. Embassies or Consulates abroad.
U.S. Taxes
Most U.S. citizens and residents abroad are required to file U.S. income tax returns, even if their earned income is exempt from taxes. Persons who are abroad on April 15 are automatically granted an extension for the filing of income tax forms. For more details, visit the IRS website at or ask a qualified tax consultant.
Host Country Knowledge
Knowing as much as you can about your host country destination can make your experience away much more rewarding. We recommend the following international news sources such as the following:
- Local digital news in your host country (most countries have English-language news online)
- Travel Guide Book (such as Lonely Planet or Rick Steves)
- The Economist (online version available thru Penrose Library)
- New York Times (all Whitties can subscribe for free thru Penrose Library)
- BBC News
- Al Jazeera
- Listen to the news or watch movies in the host country language.
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