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Passports and Visas


Passports for Study Abroad

  • Students need a passport to study abroad outside of the U.S. 
  • If the student already has a passport, be sure to check the expiration date. 
    • Study abroad students will need a passport that is valid for six months beyond the end date of their study abroad program. U.S. Passports obtained before turning 16 years old are only valid for 5 years.

How to Obtain or Renew a US Passport

Passports for Non-US Citizens (International Students)

  • International students who plan to study abroad through OCS should check the expiration date of their passport before applying for OCS.
  • All study abroad students regardless of citizenship will need a passport that is valid for six months beyond the end date of their program in order to enter the host country as a student.
  • International students who need to renew their passports in order to participate in OCS should contact their home country’s Embassy about the necessary steps. This should be done promptly, as renewing a foreign passport while living in the United States can be a lengthy and complex process.
  • International students who need to renew their passport for OCS should inform both their OCS adviser and the International Student & Scholars staff at isss@whitman.edu for guidance about the process, including how to keep your US F-1 student visa current.
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