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Matters pertaining to assessment and accreditation at Whitman College fall under the responsibilities of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Helen Kim (kimh2@whitman.edu), who serves as the College's Accreditation Liaison Officer. The College’s Assessment Committee, chaired by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, consists of the three elected faculty Division Chairs, the Provost and Dean of the Faculty, the Director of Institutional Research, the Director of Enterprise Technology, and the Assistant Vice President of Student Life.


NWCCU most recently reaffirmed Whitman’s accreditation standing in 2024. 

Please feel free to reach out to the College’s Accreditation Liaison Officer, Helen Kim (kimh2@whitman.edu), with any questions about Whitman’s accreditation process with the NWCCU.

Accreditation Links and Documents:

Provost and Dean of the Faculty
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