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Personnel Review

Personnel Review Procedures

Please see Faculty Development and Support for Discipline Specific Scholarship Guidelines.

2025-2026 Deadlines for Faculty Personnel Committee

On or before January 31, 2025—Candidate notification.

Spring Semester - Early Fall—Invite colleagues to attend your classes.

Monday, April 7, 4 p.m.—Faculty Personnel Committee Information Session, Mem 324/Zoom Meeting.

  • Zoom Meeting info will be sent out at a later date.

Monday, August 4—Deadline for all review materials.

  • All review materials are due in the PDOF Office, including colleague letters and the "Release of Information Form."

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On or Before January 31, 2025Candidate notification.

  • Candidates wanting to go up early should notify the Provost/DOF office.

Spring Semester - Early Fall—Invite colleagues to attend your class.

Wednesday, February 5 – Monday, March 10—Meet with Mary Raschko to discuss external reviewers’ procedures.

Friday, April 4—Deadline to submit updated CV and list of External Reviewers.

  • The list should be turned in to Mary Raschko.

Monday, April 7, 4 pm—Faculty Personnel Committee Information Session, Mem 324/Zoom Meeting.

  • Zoom Meeting info will be sent out at a later date.

Monday, May 26—Deadline for flash drives with review materials for external reviewers.

  • Flash drives should be turned in to Atarah Pinder in the PDOF office.

Tuesday, September 2—Deadline for Release of Information Forms.

  • Forms should be turned in to Atarah Pinder in PDOF office and can be found on the Forms and Applications page. 

Thursday, September 4, 4 pm—Faculty Personnel Committee Information Session, Mem 331/Zoom Meeting.

  • Zoom Meeting info will be sent out at a later date.

Tuesday, September 16—Deadline for all review materials.

  • All review materials due to Atarah Pinder in the PDOF Office, including colleague letters and "Release of Information Form"

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On or Before January 31, 2025—Candidate notification.

  • Candidates wanting to go up early should notify the Provost/DOF office.

Spring Semester - Early Fall—Invite colleagues to attend your class.

Wednesday, February 5 - Monday, March 10—Meet with Mary Raschko to discuss external reviewers’ procedures.

Friday, April 4—Deadline to submit updated CV and list of External Reviewers.

  • The list should be turned in to Mary Raschko.

Monday, April 7, 4 pm—Faculty Personnel Committee Information Session, Mem 324/Zoom Meeting.

  • Zoom Meeting info will be sent out at a later date.

Monday, May 26—Deadline for flash drives with review materials for external reviewers.

  • Flash drives should be turned in to Atarah Pinder in the PDOF office.

Tuesday, September 2—Deadline for Release of Information Forms.

  • Forms should be turned in to Atarah Pinder in PDOF office and can be found on the Forms and Applications page. 

Thursday, September 4, 4 pm—Faculty Personnel Committee Information Session, Mem 331/Zoom Meeting.

  • Zoom Meeting info will be sent out at a later date.

Tuesday, September 16—Deadline for all review materials.

  • All review materials due to Atarah Pinder in the PDOF Office, including colleague letters and "Release of Information Form"

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On or Before January 31, 2025—Candidate notification.

  • Candidates wanting to go up early should notify the Provost/DOF office.

Spring Semester - Early Fall—Invite colleagues to attend your class.

Monday, April 7, 4 pm—Faculty Personnel Committee Information Session, Mem 324/Zoom Meeting.

  • Zoom Meeting info will be sent out at a later date.

Wednesday, August 27 (Or earlier if possible)—Notification of intention to be reviewed for promotion to senior rank.

  • Notify Atarah in the PDOF office.

Monday, January 12, 2026—Deadline for all review materials.

  • All review materials due to Atarah Pinder in the PDOF Office, including colleague letters and "Release of Information Form."

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