Standard Class Times
In accordance with College policy, please schedule your department's or academic area's classes in compliance with the standard scheduling periods, listed below. Any departures from these standard time slots require Curriculum Committee approval. Please provide nonstandard time requests to your Division Chair, who will then present the requests to the Curriculum Committee.
Standard Scheduling Periods
(Class periods are 50 minutes in length, unless otherwise indicated)
Morning | Morning Seminar/Labs | Afternoon | Afternoon Seminars/Labs | Evening | Studio Art |
8 MWF | 8:30-11:20 T | 1 MWF | 1-3:50 M | 7:30-10 M | 8-9:50 TTh |
8 MTWF | 8:30-11:20 Th | 1-2:20 MWF | 1-3:50 T | 7:30-10 T | 8-9:50 MW |
8 MWThF | 1-2:20 TTH | 1-3:50 W | 7:30-10 W | 10-11:50 MW | |
8 MTWThF | 2:30-3:20 MWF | 1-3:50 Th | 7:30-8:50 MW | 10-11:50 TTh | |
9 MWF | 2:30-3:50 MWF | 1-3:50 F | 1-2:50 MW | ||
9 MTWF | 2:30-3:50 TTh | 1-2:50 TTh | |||
10 MWF | 2-3:50 MW | ||||
10 MWF 9 Th | 2-3:50 TTh | ||||
10-11:20 TTh | 7:30-9:30 MW | ||||
11 MWF | 7:30-9:30 TTh | ||||
11:30-12:50 TTh |
Note that First-Year Seminars for Fall Semester only meet during the 11 MWF period, currently occupies more the 25 classrooms, and receives preferential treatment in terms of classroom scheduling. Consequently, any 300- or 400-level classes offered during the First-Year Seminars period will be disadvantaged in terms of classroom space-- especially seminar rooms. As before, do not schedule any 100-level (and many 200-level) classes simultaneously with First-Year Seminars (Fall Semester only).
Additionally, classes may be scheduled as a partial block (e.g., 1-2:20 MW is part of the standard block of 1-2:20 MWF), and please be advised that the above timetable does not apply to classes with "arranged" times.
Dedicated Fourth Hour
The 8am, 9am, and 10am time blocks contain dedicated fourth hour options on Tuesdays and Thursdays. These Tuesday and Thursday time blocks may not be substituted as a third day time block, but only used as an intended fourth day.
Guidelines for Assigning Number of Classes per Time Period
The total number of regularly scheduled (i.e., not "arranged") classes per department determines the maximum number of classes that may occur during a given time period for that department. That is, since nine time periods exists, (excluding the First-Year Seminars period) the following guidelines should be observed in scheduling courses during those times. Departments with:
- Eight or fewer classes: Only one class per time period;
- 9 to 16 classes: No more than 2 classes per time period;
- 17-24 classes: No more than 3 classes per time period.
Exceptions to the above restrictions can be approved only when scheduling two lower-level classes at the same time accommodates students (e.g., multiple sections in foreign languages). Especially in the sciences, noncompliance with these criteria may result in considerable difficulty in scheduling available classroom space.
The above procedures allow maximum availability of courses for students and the most efficient use of our classroom space. Modifications to the standard time schedule should be made only for genuine instructional need, and by agreement of the Division Chairs Committee, must be approved by the appropriate Division Chair.
Memorial Building 212
345 Boyer Ave
Walla Walla, WA 99362 -
Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Phone: 509-527-5983 Fax: 509-522-4431