How to Read an Academic Evaluation
The Academic Evaluation provides a roadmap for completing degree requirements. Unlike a transcript, the Academic Evaluation shows how courses apply to requirements in addition to listing the courses taken and grades earned.
We currently have two different versions of the Academic Evaluation available. Both versions show the same information, but the layouts are different, so we provide a PDF example explanation for both, as well as a text-only explanation (see below):
- Web Portal Academic Evaluation, available in Students and their advisors usually see this version.
- Colleague Academic Evaluation, generated directly through our student information system. Staff members usually see this version.
For help interpreting transfer credit on an Academic Evaluation, please see How to Read a Transfer Equivalency Report.
Questions? Please contact Jennifer McNeil by phone at x5910, or by email at
Text-Only Explanation
The top of the Academic Evaluation shows the student's name, WID, major(s), Catalog Year, Anticipated Completion Date, Email Address, and Advisor(s), followed by the previous semester's GPA.
- Catalog Year determines the requirements a student must fulfill. For an undeclared student, this will show the year they first attended Whitman, which determines their distribution requirements. For a declared student, this will show as their sophomore year, which determines their major requirements.
- Anticipated Completion Date (ACD) shows the month and year we expect a student to graduate. Options are May, September, or December of a given year.
Program Status:
INSTITUTIONAL - Whitman College degree requirements for credits and GPA (to be completed at Whitman).
COMBINED - Total credit and GPA requirements (Whitman courses plus any transfer credit)
- The first column shows requirements in college credit and cumulative GPA.
- The second column shows current completed credits and cumulative GPA.
- The third column shows and any remaining requirements.
- The fourth column shows anticipated credits - those for which the student is currently enrolled and/or preregistered. This means that between the opening of preregistration and the end of the semester, it shows two terms' worth of credits.
- The fifth column shows any remaining credits required after completion of anticipated credits.
Key for Progress Codes:
Datatel Colleague Version: The next section provides a key for codes used to the left of each degree requirement to indicate progress:
- C = Complete
- I=In progress
- P=Pending completion of unfinished activity (usually a course in progress)
- N= Not started
- W=Waived
Web Portal/Quack Version: No key is provided, but the words are written out with each requirement in color-coding:
- Green = Complete
- Blue = In Progress
- Orange = Pending completion of unfinished activity
- Red = Not started
Course Progress and Types of Courses:
All courses are listed with subject and number, semester taken, grade, and number of credits. A code to the right of the course shows if the course is:
- *IP - in progress
- *TE - Transfer equivalent
- *NE - Non-course equivalent (such as AP or IB credit or zero credit Placement Tests)
- *RP - Course is being repeated or *RA - Replacement attempt (previous grade of 'F')
- *F - Forced (course manually inserted into a requirement)
(A key for these codes used is shown at the end of the report.)
NOTE: Courses that are transferred into Whitman will always be followed by a *TE. If the course has a direct Whitman equivalent, the Whitman course number will print on the Academic Evaluation. Otherwise, the course will appear in the form like "HIST-TF.SO" or "TRAN-AF.HU" - for more information on interpreting these codes, please see How to Read a Transfer Equivalency Report.
General Studies and College Distribution Requirements:
The following two sections provide information on courses required for 1: GENERAL STUDIES and 2: COLLEGE DISTRIBUTION requirements. These courses are listed in order of completion until the requirements are met. Please note the letter codes to the left of each requirement and subrequirement indicating the stage of completion. Courses or credits still required to complete the requirement will be indicated. Once a requirement is complete, no more courses will be added. Any extra courses will be listed in the OTHER COURSES (OC) section toward the end of the report.
Major Requirements:
For students who have declared their major, the next section, or sections, show requirements for the major(s). A major GPA calculation is shown at the beginning of each separate major, along with the required minimum GPA of 2.000.
MAJOR REQUIREMENTS are based on the catalog requirements for the student's Sophomore year (the catalog year is printed at the top left of the report). Any course waivers or substitutions must be made individually by the Registrar's Office in response to waivers or substitutions from the major department and the Board of Review. Any exceptions on a record will be indicated by '!!' and be followed by an explanation.
PLEASE NOTE: The SENIOR ASSESSMENT is indicated as a course for record keeping purposes only. This is where the results of the Senior Assessment in the Major will be posted. This requirement will show as complete once the Registrar's Office receives confirmation from the major department that the student has passed.
Other Courses:
OTHER COURSES not used in any of the previous sections are listed following the Major Requirements with the same coding for Transfer, AP and in progress courses. Placement tests are indicated as zero credit *NE courses so that students may enroll at the correct level for language and other courses.
Completed Activity Credits and Applied Music Totals:
This is an area showing the number of activity credits a student has completed, and indicates the maximum allowed. This does not include any activity credits that may be in progress. Credits in excess of the limits do not count towards the 124 minimum credits needed.
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Walla Walla, WA 99362 -
Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Phone: 509-527-5983 Fax: 509-522-4431