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Language Tests

If you have not previously studied French, German, Japanese or Hispanic Studies, you should enroll in the beginning course of the language of your choice (French 100, German 105, or Hispanic Studies 108).

If you have previously studied French, German, Japanese or Spanish and you wish to continue study in any one or more of those languages, you will need to take an online placement test to help you determine which course to enroll in. If you are a native speaker of the language you wish to study, you must also take the placement test.

For those needing to take the Japanese placement exam, contact Associate Professor Yuki Shigeto at shigety@whitman.edu. Please include your Whitman email address so we can invite you to the placement test Canvas Site.

To take the French, German or Spanish online test:

  1. Click "Start Placement Test" at the bottom of this page.
  2. You will be prompted under the TRUENORTH  to enter your First name, Last name, Email, Student ID#, Create and Confirm a Password.
  3. Check the "I agree to the Privacy Policy & Terms of Use" (Reading it is your option).
  4. Click the Create an Account button.
  5. You then will be prompted to sign under WebCAPE using your email and newly created Password.
  6. Once in you will see the available language test to take (French, German, Spanish).
  7. After completing the French, German or Spanish placement test you will be told (online) the number of the course in which you should enroll. You will not be able to enroll in that course until a member of the faculty of that language has viewed and authorized your placement with the Registrar's Office.
  8. You are welcome to take the placement tests for any or all three of the languages. Just begin again on the placement homepage and follow the same procedure.
  9. For your own records, please write down the placement score and language course in which you placed.

If you have questions regarding your placement in any of the languages, please direct your questions to a professor in that department.

Start Placement Test

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