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Mapping India: Colonialism, Nationalism, and the Partition of South Asia

Mapping India exhibition poster

Jan. 31–May 21, 2024:

“Mapping India: Colonialism, Nationalism, and the Partition of South Asia” tells the story of imperialism in South Asia through historical maps and objects from the collection of Mark and Meredith Giordano, from European trade in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, through the British acquisition of territory, to independence and partition. The exhibit was curated by Associate Professor of Art History Krista Gulbransen with additional research by Laetitia Haddrad, Amira Jain, Alexa Pilgrim, Connor Rauch and Issabella Zito.

This exhibition received support from Maxey Museum, Sheehan Gallery, the Center for Global Studies, the Perry Faculty-Student Summer Research Awards, the Adam Dublin Award for the Study of Global Multiculturalism, the Whitman College and Northwest Archives, and Digital Scholarship and Technology Services at the Georgetown University Library.

Learn more in the cover story of the Spring 2023 issue of Whitman Magazine.

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