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DACA and Undocumented Students

Whitman College seeks to establish a vibrant community of individuals who are intellectually talented, have the potential to be leaders in and out of the classroom and are from diverse backgrounds both nationally and internationally. In support of these goals, Whitman strives to protect the security and safety of the members of our community regardless of national origin or immigration status.

How to Apply for Admission If You Are a DACA or Undocumented Student

DACA and undocumented students must follow the same application procedures, and apply by the same deadlines, as other first-year or transfer applicants.

If you are a DACA or undocumented student, select the following options when you complete the Common Application:

  • Select your citizenship status: Other (Non-U.S.)
  • List of citizenship: Select the country
  • Currently held in the United States visaI do not hold a currently valid U.S. non-immigration visa

We ensure the confidentiality of all student records and will not provide information about any Whitman students to any external group, including law enforcement and immigration officials, without a warrant or court order.

For more information about the application process for DACA and undocumented students, please contact Makaya Kekoa Resner, Assistant Director of Admissions (DEIA focus).

How to Apply for Financial Aid If You Are a DACA or Undocumented Student

The financial aid application process and deadlines for DACA and undocumented students are similar to those for U.S. citizens and permanent residents except that there is no need to complete the FAFSA. Only a CSS profile is required.

If you are a DACA or undocumented student and you reside in Washington State, you should also complete the Washington Application for State Financial Aid (WASFA).

We meet full need for all DACA and undocumented students we admit using private grant money from the college.

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