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International Applicant Financial Aid

Whitman College provides both need-based and merit-based scholarship to assist international students in financing a college education. Need-based scholarships for international students are calculated based on the information provided in the Whitman International Student Financial Aid Application (WISFAA), which is available to complete after a student has submitted an application for admission to Whitman College. Whitman will meet 100% of demonstrated need for international students who are offered admission.

In some cases, merit-based scholarships are available to international students who do not demonstrate any financial need. No additional materials are required to qualify. All international students may also apply for scholarships in music, art, debate or theatre. Separate applications for these scholarships will be available once your Common Application has been submitted to Whitman. Please take care to check individual deadlines and requirements, as they differ between scholarships.

International students have the opportunity to work on campus up to 20 hours per week while classes are in session and up to 40 hours per week during holidays and breaks. The Career and Community Engagement Center is an excellent resource in securing these opportunities.

Whitman is highly need-aware for international students. Fewer than 5% of international students who will require full financial support to attend Whitman and who do not have an additional source of funding (such as the Davis United World College scholarship) are offered admission.

Learn more about our financial aid opportunities.

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