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Whitman College offers interviews as an optional way for you to meet one-on-one with a member of the Whitman community, discuss your academic and extracurricular interests and ask questions to help you learn more about Whitman. Please keep in mind: Interviews are not required for admission, but they can be a great way to make a personal connection.

Interviews are available to high school seniors and transfer students on-campus, virtually, and off-campus based on availability. Applicants may interview only once.

On-Campus Interviews

If you are visiting campus in the fall, consider interviewing in person when you sign up to visit!

Schedule Your Campus Visit

Virtual Interviews

Whitman offers live virtual interviews with a Whitman community member (either a current Whitman senior intern or a member of our Admission staff). To register for a video interview, select a time and day of your convenience. All virtual interview times are in Pacific Time. Please plan accordingly based on your time zone and note that availability is limited.

Another option for U.S. applicants is to record a GLIMPSE. Glimpse is an opportunity to share a 60-90 second video helping us to get to know you better. More information about Glimpse. Glimpse videos should be submitted by the application deadline for the application round you have chosen.

For international applicants, Whitman accepts InitialView interviews. Applicants interested in an InitialView interview are encouraged to schedule as soon as possible in order to secure a timely appointment. Whitman accepts interviews from Vericant. Please visit the Vericant website for more information.

Off-Campus Interviews

To find an interview in your area, look for a red marker near you. Click the marker to see all available times, as well as the name of the admission officer doing interviews. You can also search by U.S. ZIP code and radius. Most regional interviews are offered in the fall season.



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