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First-Year Applicant Checklist

We’re happy that you’ve decided to apply to Whitman. Here’s a list of everything you’ll need to do to complete your application.

Are you an international applicant? Find your checklist.

What you’ll need to provide

You must also ask your school or counselor to submit the following materials:

  • Secondary school report
  • Letter of recommendation from a counselor or teacher
  • Transcript*


*In order to enroll at Whitman, you will need to submit an official transcript from your high school. If Whitman has reason to believe the high school diploma is not valid we will follow up directly with your school to determine the transcript’s validity.

Financial Aid Information for First-Year Applicants

At Whitman, we offer a generous financial aid program that includes need- and merit-based aid and scholarships, grants, employment opportunities, as well as loans and payment plans.

Learn more about Whitman’s innovative approach to financial aid and get your questions answered.

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