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Gateway Program

The Gateway Program encourages students at Walla Walla Community College (WWCC) to pursue a liberal arts education at Whitman College. Those in the program will take courses at Whitman College while simultaneously completing their associate’s degree at WWCC.

Students from low-income households or who are first-generation college students are encouraged to apply. Whitman College welcomes applications from all students, regardless of immigration status.

Please note: Running Start students are not eligible for the Gateway Program and should instead apply to Whitman as incoming first-year students.

Applying to the Gateway Program

Applicants must:

  •   Be on track to graduate from WWCC at the end of the upcoming Spring term.
  •   Upload a current, unofficial WWCC transcript.
  •   Request a letter of recommendation from a faculty member.
  •   Submit a Gateway Program application in the fall prior to completing their associate’s degree from WWCC.


The application deadline is November 15. Applicants will receive a decision by early December.

Course Registration

Admission into the program is based on the student’s demonstrated ability to meet the rigors of academic work at Whitman and their willingness to engage with the campus community. Applicants should confirm with their WWCC academic advisor that they will graduate with their associate’s degree at the end of the Spring term.

Admitted students will meet with an academic advisor at Whitman in mid-December to discuss which courses they will take as part of the program. Gateway students can take up to two courses at Whitman College during the upcoming Spring Semester—based on their academic interests and space availability. Students will also continue their studies at WWCC on a reduced course load while enrolled in the Gateway Program. Credits earned will apply to graduation requirements at both institutions.

Please note: Courses at Whitman College are offered on a semesterly basis while courses at Walla Walla Community College are offered quarterly.

Cost of Attendance

Students should pursue financial aid as they normally would to cover the cost of classes taken at WWCC.

Whitman College will cover the tuition costs as well as books and related expenses for courses taken on campus. Student support services will also be available.

Want to Transfer to Whitman? 

Students participating in the Gateway program are encouraged to apply for admission to Whitman College for the next academic year—as full-time, degree-seeking, transfer students. While admission is not guaranteed, Gateway Program students will be given special consideration. Learn more about applying as a transfer student or contact our Admission team at transferapply@whitman.edu.

Contact Us

For application and admission information regarding the Gateway Program, email Assistant Director of Admissions (DEIA Focus) Makaya Kekoa Resner at resnerm@whitman.edu.

For help with advising or course registration, email Assistant Vice President of Student Life Juli Dunn, at dunnjl@whitman.edu.

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