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Non-Degree Seeking Students

Classification of Students

Non-degree seeking students are those who are approved by the Office of Admission to take certain courses at Whitman College but not to pursue a degree or program. Non-degree seeking students may not represent any college organization, participate in intercollegiate athletics, and are not eligible to be pledged to or hold active membership in organized social groups. If non-degree seeking students wish at any time to become regular students, they may apply to the Committee on Admission and Financial Aid in the usual way. Non degree-seeking students generally may not maintain residence in college housing.

Admission Provisions

A person may apply through the Office of Admission to attend Whitman as a non-degree-seeking student if he or she wishes to take certain courses but not pursue a degree program. Non-degree seeking students register on a space-available basis and must secure written permission from the professor after the first day of the semester.


Special tuition (per credit, up to 8 credits per semester): $1,979 per credit
Note: This does not provide for regular student programs, course fees, etc. (see "non-degree seeking students" under Classification of Students).

Application for nondegree-seeking Students

Admission & Aid
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