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Student Rental Properties

Whitman College owned rental units are available to students of the college with 45 units to rent ranging from 1 bedroom apartments to 7 bedroom houses. If you are interested in information regarding these units, please contact Off Campus Rentals in the Whitman College Trust Office.

Housing Options

221 Fulton #1
221 Fulton #2
602 E. Main #103
602 E. Main #104
602 E. Main #206
602 E. Main #207
602 E. Main #208
602 E. Main #309
602 E. Main #310
602 E. Main #311
602 E. Main #312
622 E. Main #1
622 E. Main #3  
622 E. Main #4  
714 1/2 N. Main  
720 N Main #1 
720 N Main #2 
720 N Main #3 
720 N Main #4  
708 Main
221 Fulton #4
602 E. Main #105
606 E. Main  
610 E. Main  
615 Isaacs  
713 E Isaacs
718 N Main
721 Penrose 
703 Isaacs 
706 Main  
714 N Main  
1043 E Isaacs Apt B
221 Fulton #3
508 E Main 
721 Valencia 
707 Isaacs 
172 S Park
357 Linden Lane  
710 N Main 
1043 E Isaacs Apt A

612 E Main       
713 Penrose 
1041 E Isaacs
1049 E Isaacs

Trust Accountant and Rental Property Manager

Rental Property Maintenance Technician

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