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On-Campus Housing Selection for Returning Students

It’s time to start making your housing plans for the 2025–2026 academic year! Please review and consider key deadlines and steps.

Residence Halls for Returning Students

Applications open the first week of April. Students will be able to participate in upper-class housing week (March 31April 4).

Available Housing

  • Douglas Hall
  • College House
  • Prentiss Hall
  • Stanton Hall (priority for sophomores)

Douglas Hall, Prentiss Hall, and Stanton Hall all offer single and double rooms.

College House offers 4-person and 6-person apartments, with a few 3-person apartments available.

Upper-Class Housing Week

This week allows students to tour upper-class halls and attend info sessions to get familiar with their housing options for the next school year. More information about upper-class housing week and the online lottery process will be released in the coming weeks.

Interest House Community

Applications: OPEN NOW

Situated in a neighborhood that borders campus, Whitman College offers its students the opportunity to live in their choice of 13 interest houses. These beautiful interest houses house 4–10 students each semester in an intimate living environment where they are encouraged to participate in the Walla Walla community, Whitman, and beyond.

Applications are due by March 12 at 11:59 p.m.

Apply Now

Housing Accommodations

Requests and renewals are due by March 15 (before spring break).

Students requesting new accommodations: Visit the Initial Disablity Support Services application.

Students who have existing accommodations and wish to revise or add to their approved accommodations: Log in to your Accommodate account and go to “Supplemental.”

Once a student has submitted documentation and it has been reviewed, they should schedule a meeting with an ARC Disability Support Services specialist. To request a meeting, log in to your Accommodate account and click on “Appointments” on the left-hand side.

Sorority and Fraternity Housing

Returning students who are members of a sorority or fraternity, may choose to live in chapter housing.

Please contact your Chapter House Manager or President by April 9. (Connect with your sorority or fraternity leadership about your chapter’s housing requirements.)

If you have any questions, please contact the Residence Life and Housing Office by email or visit us at Memorial 130.

Study Abroad

Currently Studying Abroad

Students who are currently studying abroad should participate in the online housing and lottery process.

Those who have limited internet access or trouble participating in the lottery due to time-zone differences should contact the Residence Life and Housing Office.

Studying Abroad Fall 2026

Those who are planning to study abroad or be off campus in Fall 2026, should contact our office about on-campus placement in early November 2026.

If you have any questions, please contact the Residence Life and Housing Office by email or visit us at Memorial 130.

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